Sunday, April 6, 2008

What a week!!!!

This week has been filled with so many good moments and some sad ones as well... We lost another Canadian Coalition member to an IED strike...the toll on us, to include our Coalition partners have been quite sobering. In my region, since my deployment we have lost seven soldiers and another 35 have been injured, some quite seriously. As for TF Phoenix, they have lost a total of 23 soldiers since the 218th took over. I pray daily for our troops, as this insurgency continues to fight on. They cannot fight toe to toe, so they fight us by ambush and by IED or suicide bombings. But thank God, our will has not been broken. Our spirit is strong and our determination is even stronger even when we hear how badly things are going. We know the true status of our efforts here, we just need complete support to get the job done. Sometimes I feel as though we are putting a band aide on someone with his arm amputated. I am proud of our troops, their service to this great nation and their sacrifice, to include that of their families. We try to make the best of this deployment by engaging in some team-building activities. I pitted my section against the J-1, (administrative section) in volleyball. Of course, we won.... but most of all we were able to forget about the war and have a chance to bond. Some of our pics below...

Above Tampasi made a good try at it... and obviously below, Mr J.P Floyd made a good dive, but unsuccessful in returning that ball... But what fun did we have...

What was even better this week was our customs inspection. Having our boxes inspected for shipment home brought a huge smile to so many faces.... It was truly an exciting time.... What you don't see is the sense of pride of mission accomplishment that these soldiers feel. We came into this tough region and took on a tough mission and really made a difference.......

Below is a picture of MAJ Shannon Goad, as he readies his box for inspection.... He has really done a wonderful job... as many of our warriors...

On a personal note, I was Blessed to be awarded a Bronze Star Medal for my actions in support of Operations Enduring Freedom.... It was very humbling to me to receive this award, as so many others helped to make that possible..... I am not only humbled but so thankful that leadership recognized what all we have accomplished and felt that I was deserving of this prestigious award.... Below, COL Thomas McGrath, the ARSIC-South Commander presents me with this award.

Thou I have experienced a great week professionally, I hate to end it on a sad note, but I need the prayers of the righteous. My spiritual father Mr. Eric Bedenbaugh's wife passed away this week. Mr. Bedenbaugh has been there for me and my family throughout this deployment, he is a true man of God and one of great strength and wisdom. He is a man that you know epitomizes a Godly man. I cannot be there for him, as he has been for me, please keep him and the Hendley family in your prayers. It is hard for me to see him hurting and cannot be there to show him that love and encouragement that he always gives me and so many others. I am so thankful for him, his guidance and his love.....

1 comment:

Lori Peoria said...

Dear LTC Bowser,

I am so proud of you earning the Bronze Star Medal. You deserve it. I respect and admire your courage, sacrifices, your love of all people and your love of God.
Counting down the days until you are all home!