Sunday, April 20, 2008

Never Forget!!!

This edition of my blog is devoted to the warriors that have paid the ultimate price. Since my deployment to Afghanistan back in May 2007, we have lost seven soldiers. Some say that is not bad, but any loss is significant in my mind. Seven families are eternally altered, not to mention their extended families, mother, grandmothers, etc. As we remember those that died, I also remember the many that were wounded, whose life too is forever changed. As a fellow warrior, I pay homage to these soldiers, their families, and those that cared so much about them. When you deploy to war, one never knows the outcome, how soldiers will return, scarred physically and many emotionally. We all must understand that this is real, soldiers have given all, for this country and for this mission. This particular week the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit lost its first two marines, since deploying here. I hope and pray that I don't see another flag draped coffin before I finally leave this theatre. Seeing your fellow soldiers go home in a box is hard, you thank God for your life, but you also pray for their families. You all should be proud of your servicemen, they are serving proudly and doing what is expected of them. What we need is support. We have begun to receive MRAPs here, which should have been here long before now, but I am glad we are getting them. Many countries are sitting back and allowing a few countries to carry the load. Many countries refuse to deploy their troops into the south, because of the degree of danger and the political ramifications back home of having soldiers killed in battle.... Is this fair!!! Why should ISAF, (International Security Assistance Forces), have caveats on managing this war. The General in charge of this theatre should be able to deploy his forces as needed. So we fight the war the best way possible with the forces we have available. We have only 30,000 US forces in Afghanistan, and 156,000 in Iraq. If we had half that number we could have greater affects against the Insurgency/Taliban....

Staff Sergeant Roy P. Lewsader, 10May1971 - 16June2007.

Captain Joshua Steele 8July1980 - 17June2007

Sergeant First Class Christopher Henderson 18May1972 - 17June2007

Sergeant First Class John Hennen 9Jan1981 - 17June2007

Sergeant Edward Philpot 16May1969 - 23October2007

Staff Sergeant James Bullard 10June1979 - 30October2007

Sergeant First Class Johnny Walls 15November1965 - 2November2007

I honor these fallen warriors!!! They deserve our gratitude and our respect. Our troops are constantly engaged with the enemy, especially here in the south. Having the right equipment can and has saved lives. As pictured below, one of our teams was attacked by an SVEID, (Suicide Bomber in a vehicle)the HUMVV with its armor is what protected these soldiers and not one of them were injured as a result of having armor protection. Understand that nothing is full proof, but many soldiers are alive today because of having uparmored vehicles and with the addition of MRAPs, we are increasingly providing our soldiers the best we have available as far as protective vehicles. As I end this edition of the blog, I encourage each of you to pray for our leaders, our soldiers and for our families who endure so much. God Bless!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fine Soldiers who payed the highest price.
i wish i would have met them once and tell ,m - "thank you"
they died for a cause.