Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Resilient and Re-emergent Talib

Talib is Afghan for Taliban. This week has been one filled with the Taliban re-emerging in a big way. They made another attempt on the life of Afghan President Zarzai and members of his cabinet, claiming the life of one person and injuring several of his cabinet members. President Zarzai escaped without harm, but a staunch reminder to the world that the Taliban is alive and well, and able to conduct a coordinated attack on the country's president in the heart of the capital. What is so strange about this is that President Zarzai, this week has called on the U.S. and Britain to stop arresting leaders of the Insurgency... WOW, are these the same people that tried to take his life...... Why is he playing both sides? Is this his attempt to show the Taliban that he is not controlled by the Coalition? Politics.... Either way, the Taliban has grown and shown the world that they are resilient and no matter the number we kill or capture, they are able to maintain some semblance of a leadership structure. Of particular note, we had a USO concert sponsoring singer Toby Keith. Everyone was so excited about him coming South to play for us, but the event was not without disruption. The Taliban obviously had intel that he was coming as well, not twenty minutes into the concert they launched rockets at the base, causing the concert to end, sending everyone to the bunkers, to include Mr. Toby Keith..... What that tells me, is that we have spies amongst us.... My gut tells me that one or some of the workers on the base passed this information on to the Taliban.. Luckily I was able to get some photos of him prior to the attack.

I want to personally thank Mr Toby Keith for coming to Kandahar, when so many others choose to go elsewhere, places safer. In this case he got a small piece of our lives here, but I admire and appreciate his willingness to come to the soldiers down-range.

In the below photo LTC Blake Storey is pictured with one of our Interpreters Noori, whom the Taliban shot him five times coming out of his home, and Thank God he survived. Not only did he move, but he is still supporting/interpreting for US and Coalition forces, WOW, what a guy.... Many of our Afghan interpreters place their lives and that of their families in danger should the Taliban find out they are supporting us.... Many of them serve in areas away from their home....they are brave and want desperately for their country to be one of prosperity for all its people.

I took the time to visit and say goodbye to my Afghan military communicators that I have worked so diligently with this past year to help improve their ability to communicate. What was so rewarding for me was to walk in and see one of the NCO's, in computer training. Only a third, if that much, of the Afghan populous can read or write, so hands-on is one of the ways they pass training on to others. Below is a picture of me with two Afghan Signal officers, their Network Officer and Radio Officer. There is no doubt in my mind that they are better today than they were a year ago. This is not only due to my efforts, but so many of our mentors, who work day in and day out with them.

Even though the Talib is re-emerging, we have not lost faith, but are more determined, they are showing that they are determined and have the tenacity to fight on, despite significant losses. Are we so determined, (US & Coalition Partners). We need to be as tenacious and forthright as the Taliban. We need to flood this country with forces and despite Zarzai's call for leniency on the Taliban, continue to take the fight to them, without letting up.... We must understand that this enemy has influence throughout this region, we need to keep them on their heels HERE and not in the US..... We need to adapt our tactics, and we need our allies to support the fight fully or go home.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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