Sunday, March 30, 2008

Signal Conference - Kabul, Afghanistan

The primary focus for me this past week has been preparation for the J-6 Conference in Kabul. With the 27th BCT from New York National Guard in-coming, this was an excellent opportunity for the signaleers to get together to discuss our issues/challenges and the road ahead. We have made some significant achievements during this past year, that I am so proud to have been a part of. I truly feel that I have made a huge impact on the future of this country and our US and Coalition forces. I have met some of the most intriguing people one can meet, some famous, some just ordinary and some simply amazing. You never know where God wants you, one must just be obedient and trust in Him. That is what I have done this past year. I completely put my trust in God and allowed Him to use me in whatever way He saw fit. This deployment though tough on the families and soldiers alike has been a necessary thing. Who else is going to stand in the gap? We must all remember that WE were attacked on September 11, 2001, and many of the folks that carried out this attack are still around. I applaud every soldier and their families for their sacrifice, their love for our country and their service to this great nation. I was able to present SSG Antonio Vaught an Army Commendation Award for his contribution to the success of the section.

As Antonio leave, we also honored our Chaplain for all that he has done for this command spiritually. Chaplain Roy Butler has been a God-send to our soldiers, this command and a friend to me. Below his assistant SSG McNeil presents him with several gifts.

While I was in Kabul this past week I ran into one of my soldiers from the 228th Signal Brigade SSG Mary Bailey. Mary worked for me while I was the 228th S-1. I was extremely proud to see her and know that she has been successful in supporting the 218th's administrative needs. Mary works for the Postal Service back in South Carolina.

Below is a picture of the signal leadership from throughout Afghanistan, many of which are from South Carolina. Communications is the bedrock of any mission or organization, if they don't have reliable communications they cannot perform their mission. Our efforts greatly contributed to the success of command's mission here in Afghanistan, which is so rewarding.

Below is a picture of LTC Spyros Spanos from the Connecticut National Guard and MAJ William Parks from the 228th Signal Brigade in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The three of us really made a great team as we collaborated on many comms issues and truly bonded as a team. What was particularly good about us, was the fact that non of us cared about any personal glory, that we cared about signal.

I want to personally thank my Willow Creek neighbors Patt Gleason and family for the many care packages provided to us here, as well as those of you that also sent packages to us. When you are in war, you just can't go to town to get you a steak, you are forced to eat what is available, good or bad... and for us here in Kandahar mostly bad.... I have eaten food that I don't even know and probably don't want to know... This tour is winding down for most of us, but what we have done here will never be forgotten. Many of our soldiers have experienced a great deal of mental stress and the re-integration back into day to day life will take some patience..... Again, thanks for the prayers and support....

1 comment:

Lori Peoria said...

Yea for South Carolina! Hang in there, you are almost home!

"re-integration back into day to day life will take some patience...."

There should be 2 passes for green fees to Fox Run waiting for you at home! That will help a little with the re-integration! :-)

Lori Peoria