Sunday, March 9, 2008


This week has been great.... busy but productive. I had the opportunity to visit one of our Forward Operating Bases named Tombstone, located in the Helmand Province of Southern Afghanistan. Tombstone is controlled by the British forces, I actually flew out there with some of Prince Harry's regiment..... The Helmand Province is a very active area, troops are constantly engaged with insurgents. The below picture is of some of the troops that I flew out there with, as you can see a C-130 is not a comfortable plane, but it definitely beats the ride in a HUMVV.

Many of South Carolina's 218th troops are focused on re-deployment, but this can be a very dangerous time... Re-deployment can be distracting, and distraction can kill. The focus has to be on the mission, and accomplishing the mission safely. This tour has been so rewarding, we have truly made a difference in this country. Folks have their own idea of success or failure, but I know we have been successful in many areas. We have given so much to this effort in terms of training, funding for schools, wells, highways, medical assistance, and a great deal of economic support to the local villagers. Things that you just don't see or hear. I see soldiers giving their all time and time again.. They care about what they are doing here, they care about helping this country, WE stand in the gap when so many others hide behind a desk. I proudly serve my nation, as so many have done. As pictured above, other nations are contributing as well, gladly and serving proudly... thanks to them all....

Also with me on this trip was MAJ William Parks, the CJ6 of TF Phoenix in the center and two Marines, Capt Matkins left and MAJ RJ Smith on the right.... I want to thank my great neighbors in Willow Creek for the care packages. There is not a better neighborhood in South Carolina.... Continue to pray for our leaders, and for our troops.

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