Sunday, March 2, 2008

ANCOP Graduation

This week has definitely been a full one. The ANCOP stands for Afghan National Civil Order Police, they support the Ministry of Interior in the management of establishing and maintaining civil order to certain regions/locations in Afghanistan. During a visit to FOB Scorpion, (the Regional Training Center for the Police), I was able to see these new policemen graduate. Understanding that many of them are unable to read or write continues to pose problems. Best case is one out to eight is able to read or write. Even with these inhibitors, they are proving to be quite resourceful and beneficial. They are really trained at a higher standard, and have proven their worth to the positions they are entrusted. Afghanistan has a long way to go to have their country in a stronger position to be able to stand alone. Education and economics play such an important role in the road ahead. Without education they lack the necessary skills to hold technical positions and without a means to support their families they will continue to be vulnerable to outside influences of the Taliban who is willing to provide them with money to support their drug operation.

The above graduates were recognized by BG Zarify, they look like kids. Many of these policemen are merely kids trying to provide for their families. These guys are paying a heavy price as well, we generally don't read much about the toll this war is having on the Afghan Police, but it is significant.

Me in my office... I have been allotted additional personnel in my section. Mr. Jerome Fisher pictured above comes to my as an MPRI contractor and is my Deputy. Jerry has really stepped in and assumed his role and is going to be a tremendous asset to the team.

Pictured above is Chaplain Butler with CSM Albert. CSM Albert has truly been an outstanding leader and motivator. Above he is gathering the ARSIC for a group photo.

This is the ARSIC, don't even try to pick me out, just won't happen... The shooter should have been a bit closer..... but these are the guys and gals that I work with daily..... In theatre, people come and go, there is constant change. Being in a war zone is stressful, it wears on you physically and emotionally. We have been Blessed to have the degree of competent staff we have had in the ARSIC. I am truly proud to have served with all these soldiers, airmen, sailors and soon to be marines.

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