Monday, August 6, 2007

There Is No Place Like Home

Easy to understand why I titled this particular update "There is no place Like Home". Arriving home from Afghanistan with such a short time to visit, you realize what is special and meaningful to you. You also understand the intense feelings that family and friends have for you. I have truly been so fortunate to have the great neighbors, friends, and family that I do have. From the Blue Star Mothers, (Mona & Lynn) that are so faithful, to my neighbor Thomas Samoros of TMK Enterprises, who takes care of my lawn, I am in awe of the big hearts of these individuals. They give so unselfishly of their time, money and love to others. They really show us that Agape Love that Christ has for us all. That is what God wants us all to do, Love One Another. I remember my Great-grandmother Arie Bell Worthy's last words to my family, "Love One Another". These words though intended to tie us as a family closer, really is the way she lived her life, loving others through action not mere words. This is the example that was instilled in me early in life, and for that I am thankful. There are so many emotions that one deals with during these two-week breaks from war. The family can't wait to just touch you to make sure you are really OK, not only physically but mentally. They are eager to talk about your experiences and what you do or have done in country, as well as to see how you interact with them, looking for the smallest of changes. Below is a picture of one of my daughters and her son, Little Ray.

Don't worry, I didn't eat but a few of those Krispy Kreme's!!!!!! (Hard to pass up on that Hot doughnuts now light).

It really is God's Grace that has sustained me and my troops. It is amazing analyzing the thoughts of others. For my wife, she had a list of Honey Do's, so it took patience on my part to realize that her priority and mine were different. I had to recognize that these things though small were important to her, so being a good husband I complied.

Arriving home under such unforeseen circumstances, (funeral), sort of changes your priorities of your visit/leave. You want to take a short vacation and spend some quality time with your spouse, but your kids want some of that time, your mom wants some of that time, your friends feel slighted if you don't spend some time with them, so you feel compelled to make your rounds, thus really not taking a true relaxing break. But it is always great to spend time with family. That is the bond that many families have lost. This is the tie that binds.

Our annual Family Day Cook-out in Union.

Even for my family, so many were not present. It is a struggle to keep family traditions, which so much impacts it, (jobs, travel distances, the military etc). I say all of this to you all, to encourage you to make a concerted effort to keep those family ties. But also do what thus says the Lord, Love your neighbors. Work hard at bridging any issue that prevents your families from being as close as is should be. Life is really too short. Being deployed this issue really hits close to home. I see this charge extending to Afghanistan, charging me to love these people as I love the United States. I really feel that I live in the greatest country, state, and neighborhood. My neighborhood is probably the friendliest in the world. Everyone that drives by, walks by or strolls by on their golf carts speak. This sincere display of affection is infectious and a wonderful display of how WE as a people should live and love. Willow Creek is the best subdivision in South Carolina, just one visit and you will see. I am not a salesman for the property, but wanted others to know that there are some locations/neighborhoods out there, that truly deserving of recognition and I am proud of mine.... As I prepare to depart for my trip back to country, I am ready, physically and mentally to get done and get back home, as There is Truly No Place Like Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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