Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Trip To The Border

Since my last post, there has been an increase in enemy activity not only in the southern and eastern region of Afghanistan, but also around the Capital City of Kabul, which is generally a calm place. Not to mention, we have had our first rocket attack on KAF, since our tour began, luckily no one was injured. It was a stanch reminder that this is a combat zone and the enemy is near. For me, it reminds me that God is ever protecting us. My position as the J-6 for the southern region requires me to travel to outlying sites to assess the communications needed of soldiers and teams down range. In the picture below, LTC Blake Storey and myself, along with some other officers from ARSIC-S, traveled to Spin Buldak, near the Pakistan Border. Blake is not only a great Engineer Officer, but a great friend and Christian-brother. For me, it is so great to work with officers and NCOs that love God and carries Him with them daily..... It is a good feeling to know that you are not the only one prayed up, that others are praying just a hard as you.... I pray everyday, especially when I travel.. The reality of this war is this, we have had 11 soldiers to die since we arrived. Families torn apart, and children without a father, the sacrifice is immense. My prayer is that this mission ends soon, but none of us want to leave it undone. Granted, no one wants war, but this mission is achievable if properly resourced. This country and these people need help to win THEIR country back. Please remember, that the same people that attacked us on 911, are still around. We are reminded of it daily.

When we got off the chopper, the Canadians were there to pick us up. They had to secure the landing zone for our chopper to land. In the southern region, there are more Canadians than US forces.... WOW, we are not the only ones sharing the load. Other nations are really engaged in this war and are sacrificing greatly, especially the Canadians and the Brits....

The soldiers here at Spin B are very resourceful. The FOB is so far out, they have to be. I found great leaders there, that care about getting the mission done and taking care of soldiers... MAJ Stewart is a great leader, an active duty officer that has full control over his mission. What you see below is an example of resourcefulness. Homemade weights... We have to keep physically fit, so soldiers find ways to do just that.... The good thing about this, is that he found a gym in New York willing to donate an entire collection of gym equipment, the problem is the cost of shipping. ($30,000). They are trying to find a company willing to pay for the shipping cost.

Flying is definitely the best way to travel, given the threat. I want you all to know that war is not easy or glamorous, it is a call to duty... The below picture is an outdoor shower that is still in use at this FOB. Now, I would be remiss to say that the conditions have not improved, but they have, tremendously. New B-huts are being built, which are supervised by LTC Storey, new showers installed, etc. We are improving the conditions of the soldiers down-range, they have Internet, and phone capability to call home.... They like the little outdoor Tiki shower so much that they still use it... But for a period of time, that was all they had... Not only our soldiers live in austere conditions, this is the norm for most Afghans. This is their life. As we fly over, we see men alone out in an open field tending sheep, with no shade and nothing around for miles. We see homes made of mud with no running water or electricity. This is their daily life.

The below picture is of a small Afghan village, as you can see, it is desolate, in the middle of the desert. Most have no running water, but are far away from the amenities like a store, school, etc.

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