Thursday, February 1, 2007

Departures from HOST & The Send off Dinner

The wave of departures to the mob station have begun. I had the distinct pleasure to see some of my troops off to Camp Shelby. The photos above are SPC Quentin Milton and 1LT Andrew Lewis. This is Milton's first deployment and Lewis's second. I am so proud of all these great patriots..... Spirits were extremely high and the soldiers were ready for what lies ahead. I feel confident of this...... I personally have about one week to go, final preparations are being checked and double checked.... I know that I will miss the 111th, I think of them quite often. I truly had a great tour of duty with the battalion that will surely be one that I will cherish.

I also had the pleasure to have family and friends gather for a going-away dinner in my honor. It was attended by some many people that I didn't expect to come. I was pleasantly surprised and humbled by the sacrifice by them, as well as for my wife and sister's putting this event together.... I am one that shuns much hoop-lah, but I am glad they cared enough to do it and those that came, appreciative for them taking the time out to their day to support me....

I also had the pleasure of enjoying the year's first snow, which is displayed above by my daughter and grandson (Landon and Bre).... I realize that it is the small things that matter... As I focus and prepare for this deployment, I realize that this is very hard for children..... They are filled with worry and uncertainity.... I try to reassure them that everything will be fine, but that is not an easy task.... My plan for this next week is to spend as much time with family as possible and to attempt to reassure them that dad is fine.....
SFC Walsh and I are prepared and ready for this challenge. I am sure my Afghan counterpart is wondering about the new G-6, (Communications Officer) coming in, but I am sure they will be pleased with the change. My goal is to not only excel in my communications responsibility, but to in some way leave that country better than it was when I arrived.... I have all the confidence in the world that we will be successful.......

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