Friday, February 9, 2007

Civilian Life Goodbye..... for now!!!!!!

This is the last post as a civilian for the RCAG/ETTs. We are saying our goodbyes and loading up for this Journey to Afghanistan. We are being told that our mission is evolving to include more of an ANP, (Afghan National Police) Mission, as well as our continued training and mentoring mission. What this means to our group is that some soldiers with a police background may be pulled to conduct the ANP mission. This information did not phase us, as we are prepared for whatever. The leadership will work to minimize the degradation of this to our already stream-lined personnel. We have adapted the rule of flexibility. "Be flexible for whatever, as change is gonna come"

I am focused and ready. I know that life is full of surprises, some good, some bad. We are beginning to learn more and more about each other and the uniqueness of our teams... "Be Always Vigilant" is the mode we are adopting towards this mission. As we begin our training at Fort Riley, know and believe that we will represent South Carolina well. We all are beginning the analyzing of each other, but thankfully we are starting with a sense of TEAMWORK!!!!

Check out some of the pics of our load-out..... I will leave you with this....
When your life is turning topsy turby, and uncertainty is setting in. You are having problems with the kids, the house, the job, etc....Keep your head up and know that God is still in control, he will never leave you or forsake you. Trust Him.... (This is my plan too..... smile....). Thanks to you all for all your well wishes and your prayers.....

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