Thursday, January 25, 2007

Finishing Touches

Since my last post many of my fellow comrades have already made that trip to their respective mobilization station. Others are also leaving quite soon, to include myself. We are continuing to train as well as learn as much about this mission as possible. Many of the soldiers are a week away from deploying with no individual orders. I almost feel guilty for having my orders when so many soldiers are without. This particular task has really proven to be a bear to manage and a huge lesson learned...... Many soldiers are telling of their plans for spending their last remaining time at home..... This time is quite sobering, as I try to locate and spend some time with those that have touched my life is such a positive way. I have learned patience as well as how to remain humble. My packing list keep jumping around, like a moving target... Everytime I think I have everything someone sends out a new list with additional items needed.....WOW.... Also, since my last post, I found out that I was selected for LTC by the Department of Army Promotion Board. This is a huge accomplishment, as only 68% of the majors were selected... I thank God for this blessing...... with Him I know that everything will be fine..... I ask for your continued prayers for this country as well as for Iraq and Afghanistan......knowing that God is still in control.......

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