Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ringing in the New Year 2008

We have had another mixed week emotionally, as we ring in 2008. We lost a true patriot to an IED attack, SGT Shawn Hill of the 178EN Battalion. This unit previously fell under my supervision as one of my former Field Artillery Batteries, (Co A, 1-178FA, located in Wellford, SC). This was SGT Hill's second deployment. Please keep his family in your prayers. Prior deployments would tell us that things will slow down as winter approaches, but this has not been the case for this year.... We are still in the fight every day... We continue to keep our heads on the 360..... However, we are doing many great things in spite of the insurgency. Many villages are tired of the Taliban and simply want a better life for their people. We recently conducted an HA, (Humanitarian Mission) to pass out blankets, toys, and school supplies to a local village. The village was Haji Mohommad Shah Kulay.

In the picture above, an Afghan National Army Soldier stands watch over the mission. For these types of mission, we try to put an Afghan face on the event, so that it looks like the Afghans are taking care of their own. They all know that this stuff comes from the US....

This particular village is in Western part of Kandahar, Afghanistan. We had two seven ton trucks loaded with rice, beans, sugar, oil, blankets, school supplies, Korans, prayer rugs, toiletry items and other items such as scarves and kid toys as well.... A special Thanks to the Ladies of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Travelers Rest, SC, as well as Dorman High School for their support of this mission.....

The kids above is what it is all about, the future..... There is still hope for this place, hope for these kids, hope for a brighter tomorrow..... They not only desperately want it, but deserve it....

Many of the adults send the children to these events, as the men refrain allowing their wives to be seen by men, so they send the kids.

The gentleman above lost both his legs and had this wheel-chair/bike made for him to move about. He had his kids with him..... Sights like this makes you appreciate life. Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers and support of this mission.

Thanks to LCDR Steven Parks for the photos....


Lori Peoria said...

Thank you again LTC Bowser for all that you are doing. It was with great sadness that we heard of SSgt Hill passing.
Please let us know if we can do anything for you!
Lori Peoria
Fountain Inn, SC
Soldiers' Angels

Anonymous said...

LTC Bowser, Sir: I have just finished reading your entire blog for 2007. You are truly a beautiful human being. Thank you for sharing your experiences, insights and photos. The pictures of the children are heartbreakingly beautiful. I will definitely be keeping your blog on my favorites list and will keep checking back every week. It is an honor having one such as you representing our country. Keep safe and don't forget your 360. Julie Kaplan (