Sunday, January 13, 2008

Our First Snow

The weather here has been crazy, from shorts, to coats, from hot to cold to snow. It is really amazing how different the weather is from one region to the next.... As most of you know, I am not a cold-weather type of person.... but big Army has equipped us with a great deal of cold weather gear. And many of my friends have provided us with hand and foot warmers. Pictured above is me standing by my Lexus SUV that I drive around post... great huh.... I took the below picture during a flight to the Musa Qala region. As you can see below, this is a beautiful country if properly cared for.

This week we have had many of our incoming personnel RIP in, so we have been quite busy making the change in personnel. Kandahar is a very complex region, so it is very important that we ensure personnel understand all of the complexities of this region. As we see these personnel leaving, it reminds us that we are next in the shoot...... We continue to hear that we may receive an influx of Marines to OUR region to support us here.... that is welcome news to me.. I have been saying for quite some time how we need more troops here.... Hopefully it will come to fruition and greatly enhance our warfighting capability here. I have learned that nothing happens fast here, so you have to maintain a degree of patience.

I have gained a great deal of respect and love for these people. This tour has been a great opportunity for me to serve my country and contribute greatly to the success of this mission. I have seen things that I would not have ever seen before if not for this deployment.... I thank God for how he has kept me and our troops here.... Even though we have lost some great warriors, things could have been so much worse.

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