Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas in Kandahar

Christmas in Kandahar, Afghanistan was not all bad... The command here did an outstanding job of trying to make this day as special as possible... My hats of to them for this.... COL McGrath, ARSIC-S Commander gave all personnel not essential the day off, if missions permitted. Most of the officers had guard duty, so that the enlisted soldiers could take a full day off. Needless to say, I had a shift on guard duty, but that is what officers do. The above group photo is of the ARSIC-S Command..... during our Christmas Party at the Chai House....

Above is LTC Blake Storey and LTC Bowser with CPT Maureen Sevilla, (Santa). This was really a fun time..... Below MSG Williams did a great rendition of Twas the Night Before Christmas, with an ARSIC twist.... Everyone sang, and it was really fun.....

My pal, friend and confidant, LTC Danny Morton... He has really been there for me spiritually and professionally. Our friendship will most assuredly go beyond this deployment.

Below, MSG Williams, our Chief of Staff Lt. Col Mike Burke, of the Canadian Navy, the ARSIC-S Commander, COL Thomas McGrath and COL Cory Cannon, 205th RSAC Commander singing Christmas carols....

Many of our staff sections participated in the singing of Christmas carols, they all really enjoyed it.... Below is a picture of our Medical Staff singing, SPC Quick, Smith and Santa.........

Our staff is multi-national, we have British, Canadians and Dutch soldiers in our command. Below, several of the British and Canadians officers participated in the singing...

We even got the Afghans in the Christmas spirit.... The Muslim culture do not participate in Christmas, but they really enjoyed this party too.... It was great to see this.....

Our HHC admin and logistics staff. Some were so shy about getting up and doing this, but afterwards they really got into in and enjoyed it.....

Our fearless commander COL Thomas L. McGrath.....

SGM Aaron Keener is just an outstanding NCO, who knows how to take care of soldiers...

Lt Col Mike Burke is not only our Chief of Staff, but he is a good friend. He knows how to enjoy life, he is a joy to be around....

205th Corp Commander, BG Niebe, along with COL Cory Cannon his mentor, his interpreter, and Santa.... Oh, what a sight..... General Niebe and COL Cannon are very close friends, they really have come a long way. They have a great mutual respect for each other, which is a credit to each of them.... (I still am trying to get a picture of them holding hands!!!).....

The final photo that I will share with you is of some of our SECFOR soldiers enjoying the day off, by hitting some golf balls into the desert.... By us manning the gate, it allowed them to enjoy the day off. Sadly, the Taliban, attacked us with a rocket attack against the base.... We don't generally attack them on their holy days, like Ramadan, and EID, but this is war, and they took that shot.... Thankfully, they did not hit anyone..... You know, I know that it is God's hand that have protected this base... We have had almost 20 rockets shot at us and not one of them has hit anyone. That's God.......... For me, it was great to see the soldiers smile, happy and trying their best to make the best of this deployment.... It was equally great to see the soldiers enjoying their time off and swinging the golf clubs.....


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing all these pictures. I popped onto your blog because one of the Soldiers' Angels posted it as having pictures of Christmas in A'stan. You are in our prayers and we are so very proud of you and all you do over there. BE SAFE and HEALTHY and have a Happy and Peaceful 2008.
- Jennifer (
A member of Soldiers' Angels

Anonymous said...

hmm... there is nothing left to say but... Please stay safe, will you? :) from another SA :D

Clarence Bowser said...

Soldier's Angels, Thanks for the nice comments and the prayers... what you do for soldiers is honorable and much appreciated.... Thanks.... LTC Bowser

Anonymous said...

LTC Bowser, Sir: I have just finished reading your entire blog for 2007. You are truly a beautiful human being. Thank you for sharing your experiences, insights and photos. The pictures of the children are heartbreakingly beautiful. I will definitely be keeping your blog on my favorites list and will keep checking back every week. It is an honor having one such as you representing our country. Keep safe and don't forget your 360. Julie Kaplan (