Tuesday, July 3, 2007

RC- South

This past week has been dedicated to re-structuring of the RSAC, (my current organization), and the ANP, (Afghan National Police) under the command and guidance of ARSIC, (Afghanistan Regional Security Integration Command). What this basically means is that many of us will have a new boss. RC-South stands for Regional Command- South, that is the area we are conducting operations in, in the southern region of Afghanistan. Very little changes with this structure other than it focuses my duties and responsibilities to a particular area. Instead of being responsible for managing the communications for an organization to managing comms for the entire southern region and all the agencies within that region. So I am glad I have no hair..... just kidding, I look forward to this new challenge. My new boss is a Canadian, so I am getting use to the accent, and he is trying to get use to mine. God is truly in the midst of what we are doing, and I feel his presence all around me. So I thank you all for the prayers. The below pic shows how many nations are here supporting this effort.

As we travel from KAF to one of the outer FOBs, we pass by this local store, many of the troops call it the Afghani Wal-mart, but the truth of the matter is that it services the local area, as it is within walking distance of the nearest village. Though it is a shell of a building, it has managed to support this area for many years. However, the local villagers are in most cases held subject to what these little vendors provide, which is fruits, drinks and a few other items.

With the huge numbers of Coalition partners here, I am meeting and getting to know many other soldiers from different countries. Below is a picture of me standing beside a British QRF, (Quick Reaction Force) vehicle. These guys don't play, they are serious about force protection and support. If something happens, you are glad to see these guys coming.... I would be remiss if I didn't say a huge thanks for all the support we have gotten from South Carolina.... What I am finding out is that many of the National Guard soldiers receive care packages from home, but many of the active duty soldiers do not. This is not a slam on our active duty brothers, but this really shows me how Blessed we are to have the support of our State, friends and family. However, whatever I get, I definitely share with my fellow active duty soldiers, as well as those of us from the great State of South Carolina.

As I complete this week's post, I am reminded to recognize our Independence Day, which is tomorrow. There is a big celebration here on KAF, beginning with a 5K race/run. I will be involved in the run, not race. I just want to finish and be a part of this great event. We are having a Kandahar Idol Contest, and guess what, I am not participating in that one for sure, other than to root on the contestants... So as we celebrate our Independence, I pray that Afghanistan and Iraq years from now can be happy for their independence. You know that word carries a new meaning for me. Enjoy your Independence Day............

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