Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Independence Day

This past week has been sort of relaxing. We had a wonderful Fourth of July Celebration here in Kandahar. There were many events to help soldiers bond and take a break to enjoy the festivities, minus the fireworks.... (I missed seeing the beautiful fireworks though). We had a 5k fun run to start the day in which I participated in. Many people don't equate fun to run, but it was great to see several hundred people running around the base. But we all found ourselves reminiscing about the cook-outs back home, the fellowship, the parties, etc. It was great to hear every one's version of how they celebrate the fourth.. As for many of my comrades, they are not all on a base like KAF, to enjoy the festivities, but down-range on a remote FOB, doing the same thing, trying to stay focused on the mission but finding time to reminisce on this special day. I am so pleased to received the numerous emails wishing us a safe and Blessed Fourth. You just don't know how much that support means, we feel that we are not alone, that we are still connected to home. The below picture is LT Hampton McNeil and I following the run. He definitely is a much faster runner than I am, but we all ran the entire way... The command did a great job of reminding us the real meaning of this day. The sacrifices that so many have made and a huge thanks to us for making this sacrifice. I realize that we can not do it alone, it takes a nation/community to fight a war. I am so appreciative for all of those that have gone out of their way to call my family, do things for them, as it really helps us/me to remain focused on the fight we are in. I am truly thankful.....

You all know that I have a heart for children, and these kids are some special children and they will always have a special place in my heart. If we are going to change the minds of these people, what better generation to start. I am so proud of my service here and to this nation. WE all try not to get caught up in the politics of this war, but leave that to the politicians. It is my prayer that WE as a nation do the right thing, that we pray for wisdom for our leadership and our soldiers that are making critical decisions that could impact future lives and generations. I know that God has a plan, and what we are doing here is part of His plan. It is also my wish for a wonderful Fourth for you all as well.....

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