Saturday, June 2, 2007

Transfer of Authority

We finally arrived at our assigned location, 205th CORPs in (Kandahar). The Kandahar Province was the birthplace of the Taliban, and a large part of the current Taliban resistance is within the Kandahar Provincial Districts. I have titled this blog update as the Transfer of Authority, as we replace and assume operational control from the 41st BCT out of Oregon. The below picture depicts the TOA, (Transfer of Authority) of the 205th RSAC between COL Tan of the 41st Brigade and COL Cannon of the 218th Infantry Brigade. The TOA is an official release of command and authority between an outgoing command to an incoming command.

The ceremony was conducted by COL Greg Batts, Deputy Commander of the 218th Brigade Combat Team. It was attended by a host of dignitaries from Afghanistan and US Forces. As COL Cannon takes command, his staff works diligently to learn as much from the outgoing 41st personnel as possible. Below, we are having an Hail for the incoming G-6, (LTC Bowser), and Farewell for CPT J. W. Beatty the outgoing G-6. This event was attended by many of the ANA officers and NCOs. LTC Asif, the Asst. G-6 hosted the event on the ANA compound.

I know that CPT Beatty enjoyed his year in Afghanistan, every staff officer had nothing but great things to say about him and what he did to help their country.. I also know that he is ready to go home, having done his part. 1LT Hampton McNeil also pictured above has shown his maturity as an officer and his experience as a Signaler. He is a 1LT being assigned to be the G-6 for a CORP, which is normally held by a Field Grade Officer. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for such an outstanding officer.

The 205th Corp Assistant G-6 for the ANA is LTC Asif, during this past week, he and I have fostered a mutual respect for each other, which is quite uncanny for the short period of time that we have known each other. He is trying to figure me out, as I am him.

I have had my first official Afghan dinner. I was invited to lunch at General Shir Zai's home. General Shir Zai's staff prepared a wonderful meal for us. The food and hospitality was really great. They gave us an appetizer of assorted nuts and raisins. The meal was lamb kabob with rice and beans, and mixed vegetables and bread. It was a really tasty meal, one that I will never forget......

I finally got the opportunity to meet with COL Nasim, the G-6 for the 205th Corps. He has 30 years signal experience, his experience is on Russian equipment and tactics. He is in the midst of transforming his section to more US tactics and automation. He has embraced change, he and his soldiers thirst for a better military, one that is better equipped, trained, and ready. I am very excited to help him bring about that change... Pictured below is COL Nasim, LTC Asif and me.

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