Monday, June 18, 2007

Mental Toughness

I titled this week's update Mental Toughness, as We, soldiers and families have had to dig down and find that mental toughness that helps you get through the day, in this case week. We all knew that RC-South was the most active and dangerous part of Afghanistan, and this week really took its toll. I experienced my first Ramp Ceremony, (this is where we honor a fallen comrade's exit from combat, onto an awaiting plane). This ceremony though filled with Honor and Respect and Soldiers lined up to pay our final respects, was quite solemn and required that extra mental toughness that is within. Not even twenty-four hours from this ceremony, we were notified of other casualties. A good friend of mine, COL Eric Gladman gave me a book called "Minute Meditations for Each Day" Not a day go by, where I don't feed my spirit with the word of God. It is the strength that I draw upon during times like these. As leaders you have to not dwell upon unfortunate events, but find that strength to pick your spirit up and go on. Soldiers look for that strength and draw upon it.

This week also celebrated the Army's 232nd Birthday with a cookout and fellowship amongst the services, (Army, Navy and Air Force). Pictured below is COL Cannon, CPT Bulwinkle and myself, taking time to digress and fellowship.

Also, since my last post, I have had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Isah, the Headmaster of the Russian Village School. There are 520 school kids from 1st to 11th grade, of the 520, 230 are girls. For the Kandahar area, girls were not allowed to attend school under the Taliban rule. The actual name of the school is Siad Pacha High School. Currently the kids are out of school for the summer, they are out for two months. The Russians built these buildings to house their soldiers after the War with Afghanistan. After the Russians left, the Taliban took over the area and buildings to house their troops. It became a Taliban Training Ground. After Sep 11, the US bombed the buildings/area to remove the Taliban and the local Afghans took over, mostly home to families of the Afghan Military. The school is as we say far from the flag pole and does not get the necessary supplies that other schools receive that are close to Kabul. The principal needs Notebooks, Pens, Pencils, etc for the beginning of the school year, August 01. I would like your assistance in gathering these items, so that I can present them in person to the children when they return. I will collect boxes and store them until August, so please send what you can. There is a great need here.... I am under the opinion that in order to change a generation, you have to start with the children.

Even in the chaos, I am still so prove of what we are doing here. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. I know I took a page from Forest Gump, but that is they way each day is here. You never settle down to a routine, because there is always something to change that thought. These kids live day by day, hoping for tomorrow....

The below picture is of me and my commo NCO SFC Spencer an active duty soldier from Fort Gordon, GA. I am so proud to have him on my team, he brings a great deal of experience and knowledge to the section.

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