Sunday, May 20, 2007

In Transit

Since my last post, we had several significant events, 1. Graduation from Fort Riley Mobilization Station and our departure and arrival into theatre. We all felt a huge since of accomplishment as we completed/validated on our mobilization. This was definitely quite challenging to all of us. We were very fortunate to have many of the leadership of our state to come to Fort Riley to attend our graduation ceremony. We had dignitaries like MG Spears, MG Burchstead, BG Sinclair, BG Newton, COL Huff our Chief of Staff, COL Pete Brooks, CW5 Jan Ready and a host of others to attend this event. We all were glad to see everyone from South Carolina. Below is a picture of me with MG Spears prior to the ceremony.

We also have a huge mission as Embedded Trainers. Even though our mission is very dangerous, no one complains. Everyone is enthused to be on the team to complete this mission. We have several lawyers and politicians, as well as other professionals assigned to this mission. I respect every soldier and officer assigned as an ETT. We all love this great country and willing to sacrifice so much for this country. Below is a picture of COL Cannon with the General Officer Delegation from SC that came out to Fort Riley.

Below is a group photo of all the South Carolina Embedded Trainers deploying in support of this mission. What a great group of patriots. I know that COL Cannon is proud and honored to lead this team.

The ETT, (Embedded Training Team), mission is so key to the Army that General Casey the Army Chief of Staff came from Washington to Fort Riley to access the training, the mission, as well as what changes need to be made to support the Global War on Terrorism. I was very fortunate to get to meet him and get a photo with the Chief. As you can see from the photo below, not only was I glad to meet and get a photo with the Chief, Mohammad was glad too. He jumped into my photo with the Chief. I must say that Mohammad is an outstanding Afghan Trainer assigned to train us on the culture of Afghanistan. I must say though, that I really wanted a photo with just the Chief. (Is that selfish!!!) Anyway, moving on.....

I was also fortunate to have my bride come down to Kansas to see me before departure. It truly was great to spend some quality time with loved ones prior to leaving for theatre. We spent most of the time in Kansas City, where there was more things to do.... Not only was this my impending departure but my 25th anniversary as well, not to mention Mother's Day Weekend. Linda made the trip out to the mid-west with her best friend Gladys, whom has a son stationed at Fort Riley. She took the opportunity to support Linda and visit her son. This really was a great weekend. We stayed in the luxurious Harrah's Hotel and Casino. We won't talk much about the casino other than the food was excellent!!!!!!!! Guess what they had a Starbucks, so Linda was happy!!!!!!!

Following the time-off, it was time to get ready to fly.... We departed Topeka, KS via a commercial plane en route to Kuwait. Kuwait was definitely an adventure, the FOB was not bad, it had all the amenities a Forward Operating Base should have, (gym, movies, KFC, McDonalds, etc). Below is my first picture after arriving in Kuwait. I guess it reminded me of home. Mickie Dees.....

Our CLOCK, one year boots on the ground started when we swiped our ID card in Kuwait on 16May07. It should have been on the 15th, but transportation dragged their feet, putting us there a little after 12 mid-night, so we lost a full day...... anyway we were happy to have landed and all in one piece. This is a picture of us chatting with the boss while we were waiting for transportation forward....

Notice the smiles of this distinguished group, well COL Cannon tried to smile..... We did not stay in Kuwait long, COL Cannon got us out of there as quickly as possible. We are glad for that too, because we just want to get there and get going.... Below is a picture of our flight from Kuwait to Kabul, Afghanistan via a C-17 from Charleston, SC Airbase... As you can see, we were quite cramped. We had to fly in full body armor and in a ready posture.... but we couldn't hardly move.....

My first picture of Afghanistan is a beautiful one. We left the 114 degree temperature of Kuwait to arrive in the snow-covered mountains of Afghanistan. It truly is a beautiful site. We travelled via 5ton trucks to TF Phoenix. My Journey to Afghanistan has officially begun..............

My final comment and picture is of soldiers and friends trying to make the best of this location. They had Karaoke Night at TF Phoenix and a few soldiers, in particular CPT James Robinson let his hair down and tried to dance. Notice I was not a part of this event....... it was good to see soldiers having some fun.

My apologies for such a long post, but it was quite a lot to happen between the last post. My next post should come from my final destination in Afghanistan. As well as from LTC Bowser... WOW.... God is really good.... more to follow....

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