Friday, May 11, 2007

End of Training at Fort Riley

This week's training was short. We conducted two days of Tactical Search Operations, clearing buildings. This was exciting training, but very strenuous. I guess the greatest thing on every one's mind was concluding this training and spending some quality time with our families before we fly. We also had Congressman J. Gresham Barrett to visit us here. This was a wonderful visit from the Congressman. Not only did he sacrifice his precious time to be with us, he really showed us how much he appreciates our service to this nation. He truly made a remarkable impact on us. Congressman Barrett was the only politician to visit us and for that we say THANK YOU!!!!! This is not a slam on the other great politicians from the State of South Carolina, but we all want to ensure SC knows who supported us.... We are a small piece of the pie, but our mission is with out a doubt the most dangerous. The below picture is SSG Binninger and myself picking up the Congressman from the airport.

COL Cannon scheduled a Command Brief for Congressman Barrett, to brief him on our training program conducted by Fort Riley. LTC Nagl the Battalion Commander of 1-34AR conducted this brief. LTC Nagl is the Commander responsible for conducting our training. A true patriot as well, a professional officer and one that has published a book on Counter-Insurgency Operations. He and COL Cannon eloquently explained the complexities of the ETT, (Embedded Training Team) mission and training module. Below is a picture of COL Cannon, LTC Nagl, and Congressman Barrett.

We had a small group of South Carolina soldiers to attend this brief. SSG Binninger, MAJ Shannon Goad, MAJ Bowser, SGM Albert, and COL Cannon.

Having Gresham to visit us in this manner gave us and him the opportunity for some quality time with the Congressman. I know that he appreciated this, as well as us.

We are very proud of the politician that Congressman Barrett turned out to be. He showed a deep appreciation and respect for us and the sacrifice that we are getting ready to make. He honored us by a steak dinner at one of our favorite Steakerys, Does Restaurant. He took time to talk to each of us, and thank us for our service. This could not have been a better evening with a Congressman. I am just proud it was Gresham. He represents US well South Carolina..........

The above picture is a sampling of the entire South Carolina ETT delegation. We have four ETT teams from SC deploying. As you see, nothing but smiles and I am the little dot in the back!!! The next update will come on foreign soil. Please keep us all in your prayers.......

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