Saturday, May 5, 2007

Combat Operations

As we wind down to departure, this past week was a full week of tactical combat operations training. This training has been exciting for everyone, Fort Riley has made this training as realistic as possible. They flew in actual ANA, (Afghan National Army) soldiers and ANP (Afghan National Police) personnel to provide realistic training for us doing our combat operations. This training was designed to get us use to working with the ANA/ANP, understanding how they operate, as well as providing us with the opportunity to better understand their culture and their training level. What we found is that they are good at what they do. They understand combat operations and are quite effective in getting the mission accomplished. Needless to say, this was a relief to us all. We feel so much better about mentoring them and their level of training. Granted, Afghanistan probably sent some of their best personnel, but that too is quite encouraging. The below picture was captured during RAID Operations on a suspected Taliban Hideout. These are actual ANA/ANP personnel.

The below picture depicts LTC Steve Wright and I visiting the local town leader to inform him of our intent, and to solicit his support as we conduct this raid. We all have learned so much on this training. There are multiple levels to successfully conducting RAID Operations. LTC Wright is a seasoned officer and negotiated quite well.

Below you see SGM Elvington manning the .50 cal during the RAID. He recently returned from Afghanistan and understands the mission, culture, and has been a great addition to our team. When that 50 goes off, it gets your attention.....

As seen in the below picture, MAJ Haselden went it alone on this mission. He loves the tactical training. I am just kidding on him going it alone, I was his backup, but guess where I was... (taking pictures) :) I had to get this on picture.... Anyway, after the photo, I got back in the saddle.....

We also had our last week of cultural awareness training, with me as the US Representative meeting with an ANA Brigade Commander and his S-3 to plan a RAID. To my chagrin, my fearless leader COL Cannon, added a twist to the scenario. He told Muhammed to drill me and to make me break. (What a nice thing to do!!!!) Needless to say, he did exactly as the COL Cannon asked. The meeting got very heated, but I kept my cool. I think the boss did it to mess with me, but it ended up being a great training event for us all. It showed me that I can handle pressure and provide the right guidance. It showed him that I can handle it, so I was quite proud of myself. One thing that I hold to, is that with God all things are possible. He provides you with strength in the storm. If you conduct yourself as God would have you to, you will always come out on top. I am thankful for every opportunity to grow in knowledge and experience. Our team is much stronger and better trained than when we arrived. As we prepare for our departure, we look back on this experience knowing that together we can handle anything and with God we can't lose......... (Seated between SFC Walsh and myself was my interpreter). (You see the COL in the back orchestrating this!!!!)...

The below picture is our group photo taken after our final cultural awareness training event. Muhammad likes my hat and has it on.........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Governor's Proclamation

WHEREAS, the rights and liberties we enjoy as Americans are
protected by the vigilance of the United States Armed
Forces; and
WHEREAS, these brave men and women who serve or have served in
our nation’s military uphold the highest standards of civic
duty; and
WHEREAS, National Military Appreciation Month encourages recognition
of the courage, heroism, and sacrifice of all of America’s
service members, both past and present.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mark Sanford, Governor of the Great State of
South Carolina, do hereby proclaim May 2004 as
throughout the state and encourage all South Carolinians to respectfully
honor and pay tribute to the tremendous courage and sacrifice
demonstrated by the members of the United States Armed Forces.

With that being noted. I would like to say Thank You to all of our SC soldiers and let them know we have not forgotten. You are in our prayers.
Blue Star Mother