Saturday, March 10, 2007

Life on the FOB

The FOB is our training base for our tactical training. We are into our 30th day of deployment and the training is definitely intensifying.... Our FOB, (Forward Operating Base) is named FOB Army Strong or Camp Funston.... The wear of this heavy body armor definitely makes training more intense. This past week, we began our physical conditioning, (getting use to wearing IBA during rigorous training activities). The IBA is not only heavy, it restricts your movement, where you don't have the range of motion as without having it on.... The below pic shows me with full gear/IBA, with our individual weapons (M-4/M-9).

The RCAG, which is my group is very blessed to have great leaders, one of them is SGM Bobby Albert. SGM Albert is a State Trooper from the Gaffney area, and definitely a great leader. The below pic indicates SGM Albert giving us some instruction. One of the big challenges for us this week have been the constant changes to the schedule and location of training. For many this could be very frustrating, but we have continued to a positive attitude to changes. We know that we are on 1ID turf and what they say goes. One of the biggest complaints for soldiers training here has been the lack of internet access, no local gymnasium, and no access to television except for in the dining hall. They, (meaning Fort Riley) don't seem too concerned to fix these issues timely... Either way, we are working through these shortfalls.....

Another great team member is MSG Smithey on Admin NCO from Mullins, SC... He is always willing to help in any way. It is great to have him on the team..., also below Smithey is our group photo.... This is the entire team, minus MAJ Krell, whom is already in theatre.....

The last picture is our group photo..... Class #19, URF 8693..... Would have been a excellent photo if not for the amateur photographer getting the shadow in the picture... Needless to say, we are standing strong, with the help of the Lord above. Please keep us in your prayers....


Unknown said...

Your group is in our prayers.

Where is the snow? That is the only snow we are getting to see from here.

We have tons of stuff to send when you get ready. Let me know when to send cool-ties and how many?

We miss you. Take care and always put God first.
Blue Star Mother of Piedmont/Lakeland Area SC

Clarence Bowser said...

The support of the BSM is always appreciated. It is great for us here to know that so many is praying for us and there for us. Thanks again, BSMs.....

Frice said...

Hey B
Good to see you are doing well. Don't hesitate to let me know if I can help with anything. Happy Easter God Bless.
