Friday, March 2, 2007

From Shorts to Coats

One thing that is a surety out here in Kansas is the reliability of the weatherman/news. If the weatherman says that is going rain, you better take your raincoat. If he says it is going to snow, you better buy your boots. These are the most reliable news people I have ever seen. We had 68 degree weather on Wednesday and then snow and freezing temperatures on Thursday... WOW.... As for the training, we are continue to complete our deployment briefings, to ensure we fully understand our Code of Conduct. We had assorted briefings from Sexual Harassment to how to treat prisoners, as well as our actions if captured. All of these briefings were extremely important. It really hits home to you, and everyone was attentive, as this is the real deal...
The above picture is part of the group outside the dining facility on main post. This is after 68 degree temps the day before. These are not your average weathermen...... They got it going on.....

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