Sunday, February 10, 2008

Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice

This past week has been a memorable one indeed, I was able to meet and talk to the United States Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice, as well as being treated to a concert by American Idol runner up Mr. Bo Bice. With that being said, I have had a wonderful week. It began by a trip to Kabul, to attend a Communication's Conference. As many of you know, I am not a friend of the cold weather, and Kabul definitely was a lot colder than Kandahar. I love the snow, but the cold temperature that goes with it..... WOW....

Dutch MAJ Fred Sijnhorst is his mentor from the Coalition side of the house. Pictured below is myself, MAJ Sijhnorst-towering above us all, and Italian G-6 Mentor CPT Escerito for the 207th CORP.
I guess you all know, that I got out of there as quickly as possible..... The highlight of my week was not only seeing our Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, but actually having a brief conversation with her. She thanked me personally for my work here and my sacrifice. (Made My Day). She was very personable and truly appreciative of the work done here in the South. What is so pleasing to me, is the effort by the State Department to get more troops here in the south. Something that I have been preaching for quite some time. Southern Afghanistan is the most volatile part of the country, and one that many nations that are supporting the effort refuse to put their troops.. This really hurts the ability to fight the insurgency in the most effective manner. For the US, Dutch, Canadian, and British forces, a big thank you to your nations...... who is accepting the greatest loss/risk.

I am so proud of the increased emphasis in Afghanistan, we felt that we were in a "Forgotten War". But this is changing and fast.... She and other officials are wanting other NATO nations to pony up and fully support this effort. "Is it fair for a few to bear the load for the entire NATO?" NO!!!!!!

After meeting one of the most powerful women in the world, we had the distinct pleasure of being entertained by recording artist Bo Bice, the American Idol runner up for the 4th season..... What a powerful singer. We don't get many visitors here in Kandahar, especially stars and high profile entertainers, so it was quite special to us that he took the time out to come sing for us and sign some autographs....

I can understand why he went as far as he did on American Idol. He could sing country, blues, hard rock or any mixture thereof..... The below picture is of several folks in the ARSIC...

I am constantly reminded each day of how wonderful and blessed we are... God surrounded me with not only great leaders like COL Thomas McGrath, but so many other folks to help me stay grounded. Like one of our 2008 Presidential candidates, I too grew up without a father figure, raised by my mother Mae Frances and my Grandmother Earline, and Great Grandmother Arie Bell. They enstilled the values in me to love one another, no matter who or where they come from, honor and integrity. I am eternally grateful to them for not giving up on me and doing without so that we could have. I am where I am in life due to the sacrifices of so many folks. God also blessed me with three wonderful children Ronardo, LaTasha and Breghanna and an amazing wife Linda of 26 years. I know this is quite personal, but being here in Afghanistan has given me a renewed focus on setting the right example, humble, and being the best leader, mentor, dad and husband that I can be. I speak a lot about hope, largely because that is what has carried me through life. My faith is what keeps me grounded and hoping for a better life for others, especially the people of Afghanistan. I can see the hope in their faces, the lack of education, poverty and lack of health care is disheartening, but a fact of life... Thanks always for the prayers, the care packages, and for allowing me to be your eyes into this war. Together we can make a difference.....


Anonymous said...

You are such a wonderful man of God! You are a role model for us all and we cannot wait to have you home with us! Love and miss you. Holly

Lori Peoria said...

I know your wife and children are very proud of you. I would be if you were my dad!
Stay safe,
Lori Peoria

jn said...

Clarence - I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past several months. It gives a true insight into what is really going on rather than relying on the media. I appreciate what you do for all of us back home. Take care.
-John Nunnally (Willow Creek)