Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Over Half Way Home

With us hitting this historic milestone, it has been a good feeling to know that we have made it beyond the half-way mark. I give God all the praise for bring us thus far.... Personally, I have regularly attended a Men's Fellowship Group that meets weekly. It really has been a blessing to me and the other men, as it helps to keep us grounded and supportive of each other's spritual needs. Pictured below is Air Force Major Rhodes, CSM Bobby Albert, myself, LDCR Shirk (KAF Chaplain), LTC Brian Miajala, SFC Brian Pearson, Niajum from Pakistan and LTC Danny Morton who was not present during the photo.

I also had an occasion to meet SSG Lonnie Russell of B-202 CAV from Beaufort, SC. SSG Russell carries around a "Monkey's Head" for luck... Every time he travels he rubs this for good luck. You cannot believe the looks he got from folks... I just simply laughed... For me it is prayer... That is my rock.... But this monkey head gives him peace. He talked so much about how comforting this has been to him, kinda reminds me of Tom Hanks in Cast Away..... with the soccer ball "Wilson" Doesn't he look happy...

1LT McNeil and I recently attended a Signal Conference in Kabul at TF Phoenix. MAJ William Parks did an excellent job putting this together. Every key signaleer from throughout Afghanistan met and discussed our communication's challenges, which proved quite beneficial to all of us. COL Christopher Cotts, CJ6, for CSTC-A, who is the senior signal officer, and our leader as it relates to communications discussed upcoming theatre communications initiatives, which also helped us to focus on what is important strategically and how we support this from an ARSIC level. Afghanistan is broken up into five regions, and we had representation from every region. My region is the southern region, ARSIC (S).

Afghanistan is not like the US, there are very little rules that govern this country. Much of it is governed or ruled by either Warlords or a Provincial Governor. This is how it has been for so many years. Even the highways are without rules, folks drive on the wrong side of the road, the biggest vehicle has the right of way. There is no drivers license needed, as many Afghans cannot read or write, it is a sign of importance/intelligence to see an Afghan with a pen in his pocket. It is the little things here, they have a long way to go socially.... On the picture below, I counted at least 20 folks, a bicycle and who knows what else.... This is how they roll here, by any means necessary.......... Can you imagine riding behind them, praying that no one falls off....

I truly hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember, "We all have so much to be thankful for"


Lori Peoria said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you LTC Bowser!
I could not tell from the picture but, is that a real monkey's head?! lol I love monkeys!

Clarence Bowser said...

scsoldiersangel: ref your comment.. thanks for your continued support... The monkey's head is only a wood carving..... He too love monkeys....