Saturday, October 6, 2007

McCormick, SC Supports School in Afghanistan

Ms. Nasareem the Assistant Principle of the Said Pache School holds a Thank-You note to the Citizens of McCormick, South Carolina. The teachers/educators earn on average of $40-80 per month. They were so grateful for the hospitality that McCormick showed their people. She said over and over again how grateful she was for this. And I was proud to be an extension of McCormick to do this. Standing beside Mrs Nasareem is Air Force Officer CPT Christina Reyes and SPC Fawn Wilson who assisted us in this Humanitarian Assistance Drop, as well as 1LT Hampton McNeil pictured below.

Several months ago I asked my readers for their support of a local school and its children, by sending school supplies. This particular school lacked basic supplies that were so desperately needed. We received support and supplies from Co B, 111th Signal Battalion in N. Charleston, SC, but a huge outpouring of support came from the town of McCormick, SC. This effort, lead by Mrs Rita Smith was nothing more that outstanding. I received box after box of supplies for this school in a place 7,000 miles away. The school is known to the locals as the Russian Village School, but it's real name is Said Pacha School. With a total of over 520 students, 230 of which are girls, whom were forbidden to attend school under Taliban rule. The school has 19 teachers, of which 16 are female. Ninety-eight percent of the country is illiterate, which truly limits their ability to compete on a world-wide scale... As we drove to the school/village, all I could think about was how happy I was to deliver these supplies on-behalf of our South Carolina citizens.

Pictured above and below is the village that the children reside, as well as the location of the school. This particular village was built by the Russians during their occupation of Afghanistan. It was later destroyed by US forces to remove the Taliban, where now home to many Afghan civilians and their families.

I could not believe the enthusiasm of these kids, as we drove into the village. They ran to the vehicles as if we were Santa Claus. They nearly mugged us as we attempted to take the supplies from the truck into the school. As we entered the school, it became very clear why they fought so hard for their slice of the supplies.... The teachers used what ever they could to teach the kids from, but the lack of supplies, (notebooks, pens, pencils, etc) was just not seen. These children needed these supplies.

The smiles and joy that this brought to these kids and teachers was simply awesome. I was truly blessed to be a part of this. Just amazing to see the desire for mere school supplies was wonderful. It was very difficult to orderly disburse the supplies due to the pushing and shoving by the kids to get them. They felt they would be excluded from the supplies... Unbeknown to them this display of love came all the way from a little town in South Carolina called McCormick.

As you can see by the photo above, many of the kids are below the age of 13, because the older kids are mostly working trying to help care and feed the family. Below is a picture of SPC Fawn Wilson with one of the students, who had to bring her little sister to school with her.

Due to school being in session, we did not want to stay long, even though our hearts wanted us to. We also found that there is a need for Americans to help teach them English, as well as many of the teachers asked for personal supplies like shampoo and bath towels, soap, etc.

I guess you don't know how blessed you are until you see the conditions of others. the kids have a swing set, but there is no sanitation in the country, so trash is just either thrown on the ground or burned. In many cases as you see thrown on the ground. The kids were so happy to see American forces, because they know that we are really there to help them. The smiles and hand waves speaks for itself. Sadly to say, these kids are more fortunate than most other Afghan children. I want the Town of McCormick and Co B, 111th Signal Battalion to know how happy these folks and kids were, and that I personally am so blessed to have supporters like yourselves. Please express my sincere thanks to everyone that gave and those that wanted to but was not able..... God Bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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