I have now been home for almost six months. For me life at home has returned to a sense of normalcy. However, for many of my comrades, are having difficulty adjusting. Many are having serious financial difficulties, as well as experiencing PTSD, (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). I knew many would have a tough time adjusting, but never would have guessed the numbers that I am seeing. Afghanistan is continuing to be a very volatile country. Our troops there are still short in numbers, and the Taliban is proving to be resilient. The command that I served under in Afghanistan held a Reunion or get-together in Myrtle Beach, SC, and of course, I would not miss it. Pictured with me below is the ARSIC Commander COL Thomas J. McGrath. COL McGrath was given the toughest area in Afghanistan and did an outstanding job. I was very honored to be his communications officer.
It was truly exciting to see so many of our command return for this event. Our Chief of Staff in the Canadian Navy, Cdr Michael Burke also attended.... Mike Burke was simply a joy to work with. He kept us laughing and provided us with great leadership and a true team player. Cdr Burke help us to remain focused, but allowed us to make the best out of the situation we were placed in. Pictured below is EJ Walsh, myself, Cdr Burke, Chaplain Butler, and our CSM Bobby Albert.
There is a bond that we found, our staff was quite multi-national, we had a US Commander, French Deputy Commander, Canadian Chief of Staff, British Operations Officer, Canadian Civil Military Operations Officer, with the rest all US. We had Naval personnel, active and reserve, Air Force, Active Army and National Guard. Creating a functional warfighting element was definitely a challenge to our leadership, but they made it work.