Friday, May 16, 2008


I am so sorry that I have not been able to post for the past two weeks. I have been in transit and without adequate bandwidth to update this site. Since my last post, I have re-deployed back to South Carolina, awaiting the next phase of my life. Being away from home has truly made me more appreciative of the time I have with my family and friends... Life is too short to not appreciate every moment we have on this earth, especially in this great country that we all love... Being in Afghanistan and deployed as long as I was, (one full year), makes you so cognizant of the small things. Pictured below is a group of jubilant soldiers heading home from a long deployment.

The Afghan people are totally different in many ways, it is just the way they were raised. We, (US and NATO), will find it very difficult and a long road ahead to try to establish a similar democracy as we enjoy. The truth of the matter is that though democracy is our way of life, should we be so obstinate to force or push this style of governance to every nation, especially those that don't have a desire to change. The people of Afghanistan must take a stance to decide how they want to live, and we should respect that choice... However, I am not blind to know that our national security interest should be considered... however, we have an amicable relationship with countries that do not have a democratic way of life, i.e. China and many others.... We have to find a way to co-exist... many countries feel that we are an arrogant nation, but we can't change the world, that is and should be left to a higher power... This deployment has forever changed me, I see things totally different... I understand and recognize the complexities of governance, and most of all I appreciate life. Many of our South Carolina guard soldiers will be eternally affected by the experiences of combat action. I pray that family and others will recognize and understand that patience is required, and that they are able to recognize and know when help is needed... On our long flight home, we passed over Dubai and was able to see the renowned "Palm Island", which is a man-made island in the shape of a Palm Tree.....

As we made the long trip home, it was not without controversy. We were told that our flight got changed and that we would have to remain in Kuwait for an extended period of time, which was not pleasing to us at all...After being in combat, we were ready to see our families and staying extra days because someone failed to ensure our flight was complete was not something we enjoyed hearing.... Thankfully, our plight gained the attention and action it deserved.... We were able to leave as previously scheduled........ WOW.... Arriving home and seeing the reception of so many supporters, families and friends brought smiles to our faces... The Welcome Home Ceremony was short and sweet to every ones liking.... I was equally happy at the support and welcome expressed by the Willow Creek Community.... At the entrances to the community they had signs and banners of appreciation.... How wonderful it is to deploy, return home safely to outstanding public support... soldiers appreciate this so much.... it is a huge sacrifice to do what we do.....

As this journey comes to an end for me, please remember that this war continues and we still have soldiers in danger.... Continue to pray for wisdom for our leaders, both military and civilian, as well as for the continued safety of our troops. I personally want to thank each of you for your support of me and our troops... God has truly Blessed America!!!!!!!!!!!